Garden Fruit Tree Map

1Merryweather PlumDessert
2 Apple Discovery Apple Dessert
3 Clydesde Apple Dessert
4 Fiesta Redpippin Apple Dessert
5 Belle De Bos Koops Apple Cooking
6 Bloody Ploughman Apple Dessert
7 Tower of Glamis Apple Cooking
8 King of the Pippins Apple Dessert
9 Katy Apple Dessert
10 Scotch Bridget Apple Cooking
11 Prunus Gordon Castle Apple Dessert
12 Cutler Grieve Apple Dessert
13 Malus Scrog Apple Cooking
14 Hawthornden Apple Cooking
15 Heidelberg Cherry Cherry Dessert
16 Pear Maggie Pear
17 Stobo Castle Apple Cooking
18 Lass O Gowrie Apple Dessert
19 Tom Putt Apple Cider
20 Red Devil Apple Dessert
21 Stirling Castle Apple Cooking
22 Pear Longueville Pear
23 Lough Key Crab Apple Cooking
24 Thorbe Pippin Apple Dessert
25 East Lothian Pippin Apple Cooking
26 Mere De Menage Apple Cooking
27 Victoria Maiden PlumDessert
28Riverside Early Prolific Plum Dessert
29 Cambridge GaugePlumDessert
30Early Victoria EmnethAppleCooking
31 Love Beauty Apple Dessert
32 Ribston Pippin Apple Dessert
33 Maggie Sinclair Apple Cooking
34 Bloody Ploughman Apple Dessert
35 Prunus Lapin/Cherokee Cherry Dessert
36 Conference Pear Pear
37 Victoria PlumPlum
39 Doyenne PearPear
40 Granny SmithApple
41 Nottingham Pear Dessert
41HedelfingerCherry Dessert
44MorelloCherry Dessert
45Cox’s Orange PippingAppleDessert
46Conference PearPearDessert
47Poyenne Du ComincePearDessert
48Hedelfinger CherryCherryDessert
49Hedelfinger CherryCherryDessert
50Opal PlumPlumDessert
51Victorial PlumPlumDessert
52Hedelfinger CherryCherryDessert
53Hedelfinger CherryCherryDessert
54Morello CherryCherryDessert
55 Morello CherryCherryDessert
56Hedelfinger CherryCherryDessert